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Pork and Vegetable Soup Buns (3 pcs) 猪汤包

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Steamed Twisted Rolls (3 pcs) 花卷

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Sugar Stuffed Flatbread (1 pc) 糖饼

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Shrimp Shao-Mai (8 pcs) 鲜虾烧麦

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Egg Roll (1 pc) 蛋卷

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Shrimp Dumplings (8 pcs) 虾饺

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Braised Pork and Rice 红烧肉米饭

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Dry Pot Chicken 干锅鸡

Give a rice and two bottles of soft drinks.
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Dry Pot Pork Ribs 干锅排骨

Give a rice and two bottles of soft drinks.
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Dry Pot Shrimp 干锅大虾

Give a rice and two bottles of soft drinks.
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Fried Chicken Drumsticks (2 pcs) 老口味炸鸡腿

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Fried Yuan Xiao (20 pcs) 炸元宵

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Rice with Stewed Chicken Leg 鸡腿饭

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Rice 大米


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Signature Grilled Fish 招牌烤鱼

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Spring Roll (6 pcs) 炸春卷

No sesame oil and meat.
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Shredded Coconut Stuffing Steamed Twisted Roll (4 pcs) 椰蓉花卷

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Fried Buns with Condensed Milk (8 pcs) 炼乳小馒头

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Boneless Chicken Rice 无骨黄焖鸡米饭

Free one bottle of drink.
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Grilled Eel with Rice 鳗鱼饭

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Fried Wonton with Pork (10 pcs) 炸云吞